Indiana Public Libraries
Cities A-H
Yes, there are some Indiana public libraries that were not funded from Carnegie grants.
Some of the most famous benefactors include Charles Eckhart (Auburn) and James Whitcomb Riley (Indianapolis).

The Anderson saga continued.
After its exodus to a Sears, Roebuck store, Anderson decided to build a new building in 1987. According to the card, it's located at 12th and Main Streets.
This is clearly an architect's rendering, yet there's a photo attribution to David L. Dailey.
Auburn (Eckhart Public Library)
This card was published locally by the Auburn Post Card Mfg. Co., and has an unevenly divided back. Although it was never stamped or cancelled, it most likely dates from 1907.
Charles Eckhart actually had a Carnegie contract cancelled in 1909 so that his vision of an Arts & Crafts public library would be built instead.
The 1911 library was a Patton & Miller design, modeled after the Linton, Indiana building.

(L) Card from the Sturgis News Agency, possibly an MWM product.
(R) Tinted sky card from E.C. Kropp.

The Library building was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1981 and respectfully expanded in 1996. The Library's website, from whence I obtained my information, shows the new building.
Recently I visited this building, and its interesting, rear addition is very carefully attuned to the original library architecture. Surrounding it is a charming garden.

Still in use. Ms. Georgianna Sutton donated the library in 1914. Its design is similar to many of the later, larger Carnegie buildings.
This card was produced in Fort Wayne by the Wayne Paper Box & Printing Corp.
You could actually buy an afghan with Aurora's historic sites illustrated, including the public library.
Columbia City (Peabody Free Library)

(L) The card is a Commercialchrome brand product.
(R) Wayne Paper Box & Printing card. Whaddya expect in Indiana? There is a nearly identical card in my collection with an aluminized border. I believe that the gray variants were printed during WWII, but have no references for this.

The Peabody Free Library was founded in 1901. This building was built in 1917, received an addition in 1970, and replaced in 1999.
I do not believe it to be still standing.
Columbus (Cleo Rogers Memorial Library)
Now the Bartholomew County Library.
If you just had to demolish a Carnegie library, replacing it with a 1969 I.M. Pei building just might be forgivable. Columbus has become an architecture buff's destination.
A Borsa Photo on a Francis O. Galbraith card. Frankly, they could have chosen a better printer.

Replaced the Carnegie building in 1963 (twas demolished in 1970): renovated in 1982.

1965 Curt Teich chrome card. It describes the Library as follows:
The new Elkhart Public Library is a gift to the citizens of Elkhart from the Martin Foundation.
Of modern, functional design, the library is a two-story steel and cement block structure with a facing of buff-colored Indiana limestone and a stone cornice. It contains over 45,000 square feet of floor space.

The autos are the only clue to date this Lusterchrome card. There's what I believe to be a 1968 Buick Wildcat awaiting the light to change; hence, I'd call the card newer than the more refined Curt Teich Chrome.
Evansville apparently has the best of all worlds with respect to libraries. On my Carnegie page, you can view the East Side branch, one of two built from a 1911 grant, and remodeled in the early 1970s. The west side had a Carnegie building that can be seen on an Evansville postcard page, which can be reached through the library site under 'Evansville Postcards.'
Willard Library
Willard Library was built in 1885, and is the oldest library building in Indiana.
How Goth is it?
Reputedly haunted.

Evansville/Vanderburgh County Library
The Deco building became the Evansville/Vanderburgh County Library before its replacement.
Curt Teich 'American Art' postcard.

Fort Wayne (Allen County Public Library)

This is the replacement for the demolished Carnegie building of 1901.
It's an incredible institution. When displaced for renovations, their temporary location, which I believe to have been that of a former bank, looked better than many main locations of larger city libraries. Their librarians are total professionals.
Their genealogy section is utterly incredible. I make it a point to use this whenever I travel even remotely nearby.
The postcard appears to have been printed by the Marquart Photo Service shortly after the August 21, 1968 dedication.
Harlan (Harlan Library - County Branch; Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County, Indiana)
Complex title: complex circumstances.
The only good information on this building came from a 2009 article from the web site of Fort Wayne's Journal-Gazette.

Evidently the town of Harlan might become part of Fort Wayne. However, as it stands, the library building is surplus to the Allen County system. Catch-22: it can't be sold, and can't be given to a non-governmental entity, which, until Harlan incorporates, it is.
There it sits, in a sort of limbo, upon a giant sorting shelf of civic life.
At one time, this building, built in the 1920s, was beloved enough to merit the Public Library to have this card printed in France.
Goodland (Mitten Memorial Library)

Now the Goodland-Grant Township Public Library.
Per the National Register of Historic Places, this building was associated with John Buck and Robert George Holland, and built in 1931. It is said to be Colonial Revival.
Photo postcard mailed in 1955.

Now served by the Hagerstown Jefferson Township Library.
Formed in 1928: appears to have been replaced.
Multiview card shows, from upper left around the card: a country club; a high school; a post office, which looks like a WPA construct; and a very small library building. In the center is Perfect Circle Corporation, whose piston rings are now made elsewhere.