Carnegie Libraries of Idaho
Divided from Montana in 2022.
Statistics come from George S. Bobinski's Carnegie Libraries. Ten Carnegie libraries were built in Idaho.
The pleasant Beaux-Arts Carnegie building opened in 1905. It was replaced in 1973. Entered into the National Register of Historic Places in 1974, it now serves as law offices.

(L) Sepia tinted postcard.
(R) Photo postcard by Wesley Andrews

Idaho Falls
A 1909 grant finally culminated in a new library in 1916. This building serves as a museum today.
The Wesley Andrews card, distributed from Baker, Oregon was actually printed by Chicago's Curt Teich in 1929.

1901 Carnegie grant, obtained by the women of the Tsceminicum Club: replaced in 1973.
The postcard was published by C. E. Wheelock, a Peoria firm which often used German printers.

1904 grant. Subsequently modified, and now serves as the library's history room.
I think the last style I would expect for Moscow's Carnegie building is Mission. Well, it's mission with fanlights in the arched windows, and a foundation.

The card claims to have been published by the Spokane Post Card Co., but we in the know know it's really a Curt Teich printing job.
1906 grant.
The Carnegie building remains standing with an addition about 4 times its size.
It's now known as the Marshall Public Library.
Isn't this a charming Curt Teich 'C.T. American Art Colored' card?


1907 grant. Replaced in 1966, after which a fire destroyed the Carnegie building.
The postcard was mailed in 1908, but an unevenly divided reverse indicates a publishing date of 1907, which would be before completion.
1914 grant: replaced in 2001; demolished in 2004.
The photo postcard contains no clue as to its age except its 'AZO' stamp box, and its caption is barely legible.
A later photo is part of Idaho Digital Resources.